A Child To Love

Its been a long time since I posted anything but I came across this poem and thought I would share it…

A Child to Love
(one the most classic motivational poems)

You can have your wealth and riches

All the things so many seek,

Position, power, and success,

The fame you long to keep.

You can earn as much as you wish,

Reach a status high above,

But none of these can equal

Having one sweet child to love.

‘Tis the greatest gift from heaven,

Little arms that hold you tight,

And a kiss so soft and gentle

When you tuck them in at night.

A million precious questions

And each story often read,

Two eyes so bright and smiling,

And a darling tousled head.

God has never matched the goodness

Of a trusting little face,

Or a heart so full of laughter

Spreading sunshine every place.

A child to hold and cuddle,

‘Tis a gift from God above,

And the world is so much brighter

When you have a child to love.

About in11months

A man on a mission to change his entire life in just 11 months. View all posts by in11months

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